Please go through DHA rules for blood donation.
How long does it take to give a pint of blood?
The entire process takes approximately 30 to 45 minutes. The donation process itself takes 5 to 7 minutes. Most of your time is spent giving your health history to medical staff, resting and enjoying refreshments afterward.
How often can I give blood?
You can donate blood every 3 months, or 4 times per year.
Who can donate blood?
Anyone who is in good health can donate blood, but to keep the supply safe there are two main reasons that may temporarily or permanently prevent persons from donating blood.
Temporary Deferral:
- If you are pregnant, or have been pregnant within the last year.
- If you have certain medical conditions (e.g. infection, cold or flu or have undergone any Dental work within the previous 3 days)
- Taking certain types of medication (e.g. antibiotics)
- If you have had surgery in the past 12 months.
- If you weigh less than 50kg.
- If you are under the age of 17.
- If you have travelled to a malaria endemic country in the last one month.
- If you have had any ear/body piercings or tattoo with in the last year.
- If you have a blood transfusion.
Permanent Deferral:
- If you have ever injected drugs without prescription
- If your lifestyle puts you at risk of HIV or hepatitis
- If you are diabetic
- If you are a carrier of Thalassemia Disease and G6 PD
- If you have lived in UK or France during 1980 - 1996 and were consuming beef during that time.